Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy 5 Month Birthday to Me!

Today I am 5 months old. That's almost half a year!

Mom wanted to take my picture but I just wanted to play!

 And if you know me you know my favorite way to play is to put things in my mouth

Olivia sleeps just like her daddy :-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today I met this old man, Santa Claus. Mom & Dad were so excited for me to meet him. I'm not sure why but I heard them say presents so I was on my best behavior!

Hopefully he liked me!

Have you met my best friends?

These are my kitties. They are so fun! I love to watch them run around and pull on their hair. 

Oh and they love to play hide & seek with me. I pull their hair and they run away and hide! So fun!

This is Henny

and Nonna.

Yay Kitties!!

Friday Lunch

On Friday I went to lunch with Aunt Sarah and Christina. It was Aunt Christina's birthday!!

For some reason Mom & Dad thought this was hilarious...