Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Watermelon Palace!!

We took our first family trip to the beach this weekend with Nana! We had so much fun and can't wait to go back in August!

Here I am on the way there... There was A LOT of traffic.

Here I am with Godmomma Jeanie!

And my new friend Maggie

But I made some REALLY good new friends that were just like me! I even wore my watermelon dress so I would fit in.

And then I decided to pose with some of the watermelons

I even got to go to the beach. Nana made me a tent so I wouldn't get sunburnt

I took a nap most of the time.

It was a really fun weekend but we were all exhausted when we got home


  1. you had your child pose with dolls. oh god Laura. just kidding. she found twins.

  2. Patty made me put the baby with the dolls! Olivia loved it!
