Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last Week's Adventure

I'm back!

Last week I had quite the adventure. We spent the rest of the week at the beach, traveled to Pittsburgh and then onto Ohio for my Aunt Leslie's wedding. It was a blast but very exhausting. Here's some pictures from the week.

We spent a lot of time napping at the beach

Sesame Street is my new favorite show!

I am the new Watermelon Queen!!!

After the beach, we went to Pittsburgh where I got to meet Great-Grandma Newman!

On to Ohio....

...where my Aunt Leslie married my Uncle Greg!


Here I am with my new cousin Ella. We had a lot of fun playing together

And my cousin Ben! He's only two weeks older than me but so much  bigger.

What a handsome baby

Aunt Nancy and I

It was a wonderful week/weekend but I was so tired on Sunday. I slept the whole way home


  1. The photos with Great Grandma are ... great!!

  2. We slept all day Sunday too.....I love, love, love these pictures....
